Tuesday, August 26, 2008

GO C.J. !!

CJ had a football scrimmage game last weekend. The kids played against several teams for 10 mins each. Chris is helping out on the team this year and got a front row seat of
CJ's AWESOME TACKLE! I of course missed it because I was in a bad spot and had 3 kids all sitting on my lap complaining of different things. I put my head down to talk to one of them just for a second and all of a sudden the parents started to yell and cheer, I looked up but was blocked by people and then I heard several parents yelling "THAT WAS CURBY!". My friend said it was such a good tackle you could hear CJ's hit.
It was quite a proud moment for dad, a bummer for me and I'm sure a good confidence boost for CJ. Hopefully I'll get to see one by the time the season is over. CJ is starting to get the hang of the game and is enjoying it more this year. We love you CJ

The latest news at our house

(I think you all know the reasons that I went against the school's judgement and held McCade back so I won't go into details there.)
McCade's kindergarten teacher called me the end of last week and asked if I would like to meet with her regarding Cade. In the meeting she shows me other kids work compared to Cade's and the big difference there was and suggests that he really should go to 1st grade. I said okay, but still a little worried. I was hoping he would be able to go back to the k-1 class that he was originally in, since they knew this was a possibility. I received a phone call from the principle that the K-1 class was full and there was only 2, 1st grade classrooms he could go too. She then called back a few minutes later saying that the only class open was Mrs. Davis' class. Now I'm really worried, thinking this is the left over teacher that nobody wanted. She ended up being the best teacher which is amazing that she had an opening. (..hmmmm)
The first day of 1st grade and he passes all 11 lists of his sight words, only two other kids in the class have done that. Second day she sent home a letter saying Cade is a strong reader for this point of the year, he'll be moving up to a higher level soon.
I am so excited for Cade and I'm feeling a bit of a clueless mom.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Macey had to get shots yesterday. I was so proud of her she did so well. In order to start preschool she had to get 2 shots, and later it ended up being 3. I told her she was going to see the doctor and she looked up and said but they might poke me. I couldn't lie and say no they weren't so I told her they might, and if they do then I'll get you a big cup of ice cream. She was okay with that. I couldn't believe how brave she was. She didn't want to lay down so she sat up and just held my hand and actually watched them give her the shot and then she would look at me and I would tell her it's okay it'll only hurt a second. Then she turned back and watched the second one, didn't say a word, or flinch and looked at me again. The third one is the one that got to me. She watched again as they stuck the needle in but the actual medicine was stinging and hurt and she looked at me trying so hard not to pout and her eyes started to fill up with water and her chin was shaking, but she still didn't cry out or say a thing, she just held my hand. I couldn't believe it. I had Mason asleep on my shoulder, so I couldn't even hold her. I wished I was WONDER WOMAN and strong enough to hold and carry them both.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tennessee Aquarium

Two days before school started Chris and I figured we should do something fun with the kids this summer. Chris has been so swamped at work we could not get away for a vacation. So we decided to take a day trip to the Aquarium we didn't go to the Atlanta one because we heard Tennessee was a lot less crowded and almost as good, plus we could make this a whole day thing. We also took the kids to the IMAX. It was a 3-D movie on whales, that was quite fun watching Macey and McCade trying to reach out and touch the fins of the whales.Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the kids would not try at first and at the end of the day we brought them back and they all got to pet the sting rays. It was their favorite part of the day, besides playing in the water outside.

They are so soft and smooth to touch and so neat to see up close, it makes me miss my years of scuba diving. One of these days Chris and I have got to do that.
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continued pictures

About 30 secs. after this picture Cade completely fell in and had to walk around wet the rest of the day. Wasn't too bad since it was somewhat warm. He did shiver in the IMAX. He was trying very hard not to complain since it was his fault he fell in.
Macey is such a ham. She cracks us up with all her funny faces.
CJ took this picture of us. I thought he did a pretty good job.
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Monday, August 11, 2008

And they're off!!!!

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First Haircut!!!

After (my little baby is a little boy now. sniff, sniff)

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I finally finished the friggin seven hundred fifty something page book. Look at my house and that's only two rooms. The kids tore the house apart it's going to take me a week to catch up, but I'M DONE. It got a little weird in the middle but overall pretty good book. Nothing beats the first book though. Now onto the movie!

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Friday, August 1, 2008


Mom! You would be so proud of me. I'm eating my veggies!!! I actually ate a B.L.T sandwhich. Cathleen had called Chris to see if we wanted some homegrown tomatoes and Chris set it up to have them over for B.L.T sandwhiches. Which usually I would have had to turn down because the main part of the sandwhich is this thick sliced tomato. They kept telling me it makes such a difference in taste if they are home grown. So I tried it and I really enjoyed it. I even remembered I had an avacado in the fridge and we sliced that up and put in our sandwhiches too. In fact I had seconds it was so good.

It is HOT

The A/C unit is not working upstairs so we spent the last couple nights downstairs. The kids loved it! They were up until 11pm last night jumping off the couch. Mason was fearless and just so funny to watch.
Finally we got them all to bed and in their spots, I called the couch, but of course whereever mommy is- so are all the kids, check out the last picture.

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