I finally got pictures downloaded off of Chris' phone. The next couple of entries are pictures we had taken over the past few months. This was sometime in Feb. We had a good time making our first "real" snowman. I think we've attempted it before but there was never enough snow. This is the most snow we've seen since we moved out here 4 years ago. (Michelle do you recognize my colorful pj pants?)
California Life
8 years ago
I heard the south hadn't had snow
like that in a longwhile!!
That's a great snowman! Who'd of
ever thought you would get that
much snow!! All I could think of
was Jason Allen is in training at
fort Bennington??(spelling)Georgia
training for special forces & he's
probably out there in that snow!
I guess in a way that's good, at
least maybe the brown recluse spidies are hold up & not out &
about. We were working with him
in the single adult program just
before he left so we're kinda keeping tabs on him. Hope he's
doing ok!
P.S. Correction - Jason is just
in Basic Training right now.
Oh WOW!! That's a GREAT Snowman! How fun for all of you!
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