Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

I never was able to pull all the kids together for a Halloween picture. Man O' Man it gets crazy around here trying to come up with so many costumes. Then on top of that the kids have "Book Character Day" at school. The children get to bring in their favorite book and dress up like the main character of the book and they conveniently do it the day of Halloween. Usually it's great except, this year my two oldest did not want to bring in or could even find a book on the Mario and Luigi Brothers, which was their Halloween costumes. So overall I had to come up with 7 costumes.
Here's my kidos in their cute costumes

CJ and Cade came up with the idea of doing a Frankenstein pumpkin. They are so much more imaginative than I am. We had a blast thinking of how to pull this off. I'm pretty proud of our finished pumpkin.


Vintage Vinings said...

Loved the kids Holloween cotumes!
They were all so cute!!!You did
a great job. I especially liked
Madolin Scarecrow & Macey cute
witch!!! That's a priceless
picture. I really did the stripped
tights!! What fun!

Thanks so much for sharing!
A picture captures so much!!
It's good to see & hear from

Carrie said...

You did great on the costumes. I can't imagine having to come up with that many!

Unknown said...

Brittney you are so amazing! You always make the best costumes for your kids! I wish I had a more creative bone in me! You're awesome!

Unknown said...

P.S. I can't believe your kids came up with that idea for the pumpkin! That was the coolest pumpkin I've ever seen!