I recieved a call last week from a 5th grade teacher. She called to tell me how impressed she was with CJ. who is not her student and relayed this story. All the 5th graders were having a kickball contest and one of this teacher's students stuggles with anykind of physical activity. It was this students turn and as he was struggling to run from base to base CJ ran in from the outfield to run beside him and cheer him on. He ran from base to base with him. She called to thank me and tell me it brought a tear to her eye and it was a neat moment. So proud of you CJ love you...mom
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Visit to Arizona!

Posted by The "Curby Clan" at 3:14 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Visited Nana Pat and Paco the bird. These are the only two pictures I got. Of course I got down there with a dead battery. As always we had a great time visiting with Nana. The first day there I had to jump in the deep end of the pool with all my clothes on to save Mason. He saw his brother jump in and without thinking just jumped in right after him. I hesitated for a second or two hoping I could get CJ's attention to turn around and get him. Poor thing he was kicking but couldn't get his head all the way above the water. I could see the whites of his eyes under the water, he was scared. As I was jumping in and swimming to him, he did finally remember to turn around and started grabbing for the side. I was proud of him. We did some yard work for grandma, picked lots of oranges and grapefruit. We walked the pier one day and saw a dolpin in the distance and watched a guy catch and reel in a king mackrel all the way from the pier. It was pretty big, about as long as my arm. The last day there we stayed on the beach. I love just laying there and soaking in the sun and watching the kids play. They buried treasure (fruit snack) and marked it with an X. Macey couldn't get enough of the water, she was the last one out everytime.
Posted by The "Curby Clan" at 9:53 AM 3 comments
Monday, March 14, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Macey had to give a talk in Primary and it had been awhile since I had a chance to be in there so I stayed to listen to all of music time and sharing time. The teacher asked the question to the kids "Why do you want to see Heavenly Father again?" (something like that) I see Cade raise his hand and he's got it stretched as far as he could, sitting on the edge of his seat so happy when she calls on him. Cade's reply: "Because I have some questions to ask him."
Man O man that kid cracks me up.
Posted by The "Curby Clan" at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 14, 2011
Arrow of Light
C.J. earned his Arrow of Light! I can't believe I have a son old enough to earn one. I think I hold him back a bit because he just doesn't seem old enough to me. I've got to work on that. That same day Cade got his Bobcat. It was a fun night. The only bummer was that Chris was out of town for work and had to miss it.
Posted by The "Curby Clan" at 10:14 AM 2 comments